The average PTA salary in Connecticut is $69,730 which is slightly higher than the national average salary. Below are some of the average PTA salaries in major cities in Connecticut.
More PTA Info for Connecticut:
Connecticut Median PTA Salaries by Major City
Below is a table of previous BLS Data from earlier years, as you can see PTA salaries in Connecticut are increasing:
Connecticut City | Annual Median PTA Salary |
Bridgeport, CT | $57,531 |
Bristol, CT | $51,992 |
Danbury, CT | $55,116 |
East Hartford, CT | $51,992 |
Fairfield, CT | $55,116 |
Greenwich, CT | $55,553 |
Hamden, CT | $55,116 |
Hartford, CT | $51,992 |
Manchester, CT | $51,992 |
Meriden, CT | $51,992 |
Milford, CT | $55,116 |
More PTA Info for Connecticut:
How Much Does a Physical Therapist Assistant Make in Connecticut?
According to recent data, the average annual salary for physical therapist assistants in major cities in Connecticut is fairly consistent across the board. In Bridgeport, the average salary is around $58,000, while in New Haven it slightly increases to roughly $59,000. Moving towards Hartford, the average annual salary for physical therapist assistants is approximately $59,500. These figures indicate a steady and competitive salary trend for PTAs across major cities in Connecticut, promising a lucrative career option in the healthcare field.
Greenwich and Stamford are two major cities in Connecticut that offer slightly higher average annual salaries for physical therapist assistants. In Greenwich, PTAs earn an average salary of about $60,500, while in Stamford it rises to approximately $61,000 per year. This suggests that these cities provide additional financial incentives for physical therapist assistants, possibly due to a higher cost of living or increased demand in the healthcare industry. Overall, physical therapist assistants in major cities in Connecticut can expect competitive salaries that reflect the importance of their role in helping individuals recover and regain their mobility.
PTA Hourly Wage in Connecticut
In Connecticut, physical therapist assistants earn an average hourly wage of $34.09. The major cities in the state also offer competitive wages, with Bridgeport leading the pack at $35.55 per hour, followed by Stamford at $35.34, and Norwalk at $34.95. These cities present promising opportunities for physical therapist assistants seeking higher earning potentials in Connecticut.
Physical therapist assistants in Connecticut can expect to earn an hourly wage of $34.09 on average. Among the major cities, the highest hourly wage is found in Bridgeport at $35.55, followed closely by Stamford at $35.34. Norwalk also offers a favorable wage for physical therapist assistants at $34.95 per hour. With these attractive salary prospects, Connecticut’s major cities provide a promising environment for those working in this field.
PTA Salaries in Connecticut vs Other States
Physical therapist assistant salaries in Connecticut are generally higher than in other states. With an average annual salary of around $70,000, PTA professionals in Connecticut tend to earn more due to the state’s higher cost of living and demand for skilled healthcare workers. However, it’s important to note that salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and specific job setting.
Comparatively, physical therapist assistant salaries in other states may fall slightly below Connecticut’s average. Factors such as regional economic conditions, cost of living, and healthcare demand influence the pay scale, resulting in variations across states. While it is difficult to provide precise figures, potential PTA professionals should thoroughly research the potential salary ranges in their desired state, considering these factors alongside their career goals.
PTA Salary in Connecticut vs. Other Occupations
In Connecticut, the average annual salary for a physical therapist assistant is around $67,000. This places them among the higher paying occupations in the state, especially considering their relatively lower level of education required compared to some other high-paying jobs. This competitive salary is reflective of the growing demand for physical therapy services and the importance of PTA’s role in assisting licensed physical therapists.
Compared to other occupations, such as registered nurses or dental hygienists, physical therapist assistants often earn a slightly lower salary in Connecticut. However, this is balanced by the fact that a PTA typically needs less education and training. Moreover, the salary for a PTA can still be comparable to or even higher than that of professions that require similar levels of education, such as medical assistants or veterinary technologists, making it an appealing career choice in terms of compensation.
If a physical therapist assistant career sounds interesting to you then you can search programs online and nearby below or learn more about a physical therapy assistant degree and physical therapist assistant schooling.